Monday, June 27, 2011

Worse than Genocide

Hitler set out to accomplish and nearly succeeded in wiping out the Jewish people. He attempted genocide. His crimes are worse than that of any serial killer you have ever heard of.

Millions upon millions of mainly Jewish people were imprisoned, tortured, and murdered. Approximately 6.4 million people are estimated to have lost their lives during the holocaust.

That’s 6,400,000 people. I think sometimes that we look at numbers such as this one and disregard the magnitude.
If you counted one second at a time and continued counting at that rate, not even stopping to sleep or eat, it would take you just over 11 and a half days to arrive at that number. This means that, if the Holocaust had lasted about 11.5 days, one person would have been killed every second of every day for that entire time.

Why were these people rounded up like animals? (Actually, even animals are treated more humanely than they were.) They were tortured, imprisoned and killed just because they were different.

Do you see what I am getting at here? Hitler killed approximately 6.4 million people—a number that is basically unfathomable to most people. I think this establishes that Hitler was evil. But really, it was never a difficult point to prove.
Now we move on to God; more specifically, the God of eternal hell.

If you believe in an eternal hell, you believe that God condemns not thousands or hundreds of thousands, not millions, but BILLIONS of people to imprisonment and torture.

Far worse than Hitler’s acts, however—their torture is eternal and their suffering will never come to an end. There is no hope for death, as there was for Hitler’s victims.
Obviously, no one in their right mind would use the words fair, just or loving to describe Hitler. So how can we believe that God will do much worse than Hitler did not to millions, but billions of people and still say God is love or God is just and fair?
A rational person simply cannot.

God not only condemns multitudes of people to a fate worse than the fate of the Holocaust victims, but the people he condemns are his own children. Murder of your own children is known as “filicide.” While this in itself is awful, the fate of God’s children in hell remains worse than death. There could not be a worse fate to be consigned to.

In short, God is not only torturing billions, but he will be doing it for eternity and to his own children, nonetheless.
If this the God that we believe in, one cannot find the grounds to make any rational argument that Hitler was worse than God.

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